Live show – Susikirtimai

The last year, starting Ideas Block took most energy, and music and artistic developments have happened during this period. This post is about the latest event, in which I had the opportunity to participate in the Susikirtimai cycle of sound art and experimental music events, organized by Kirtimai Culture Centre in Vilnius, Lithuania.

This cycle of concerts use a spatial sound system with 8 individual channels, suitable for so called 3D audio rendering, in ambisonics or other formats.

I use this system not with ambisonics, but with a self-made max for live plugin to render movement of sound sources in space in a live setup. The result was a composition for a concert of around 45min. Using sounds of analogue/digital synthesis, samples, a number of effects, along with the spatial movement in an immersive performance,  a narrative emerges out of ideas of music as a natural event, just as language or communication, and evolution into the musically structured states of mind.

Excerpts of the concert:

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Three concerts:

March 16th    – Vilnius, Kirtimu Kulturas Centras
April    20th    – Anykščiai,  Anykščių menų inkubatorius – menų studija.
May     18th     – Raseiniai, Atvira jaunimo erdvė AJE.