Weather Series – Wind

Consider language determines the culture of a certain place, which in turn determines population’s beliefs. Looking for the factor that is before language can lead to a discourse about the weather.

Atmospheric conditions must contribute to the formation of the psyche of people. They affect the shaping of the very language and sounds they use, and  the construction of beliefs they are engaged with. In other words, language must thus respond to the weather. So it is natural to think that different climatic situations result in different linguistic development. Although these factors should be all interwoven in a more non-linear fashion.

Weather Series - Wind
Weather Series – Wind

Weather Series – Wind is a multi-media art installation that tries to explore the manner in which the weather (wind in this case) changes and models who we are and what we believe in.

Wind is chosen as the first extract of a larger work, encompassing primordial elements of meteorology.  This is the first of the elements to be completed.

Liverpool based painter Andrew Foulds creates a depiction of the wind, in dialogue with the sound presented in the installation. These are both in response to a breeze produced with cooling fans floating overhead, in front of the painting.  All this produce the physical effect of wind, accompanied by sounds of swirling, images of the flow and abstractions of the same motif.

Wind  - Andy
Wind – Andy

Through the audio in the installation, differences of languages are depreciated, emphasizing instead the common origins of tongues. The drone sounds, rhythms induced by nature and beliefs. These exhibit the similarities that exist over the globe between cultures, consistent through a variety of weathers. Proposing that, although changed, beliefs present archetypical sounds that seem to remain almost the same, and can be viewed through the prism of geographical effects. The wind in this case. The installation tries to blur the boundaries between ethnicities, and discover unity instead.

Altogether the work intends to create a micro-climate with its own theatrical setting describing these early notions of the interaction between language, the climate, beliefs and consciousness.

The installation won the first Camaradas UK & Mexico Art Competition, and was shown at PINTA Latin-American Art Fair, in June 2013.

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